A company of over 50s from across Doncaster dominate Cast's Main Stage

On Friday 31 May and Saturday 01 June 2024, an extraordinary company of over 50s from across Doncaster took to Cast's Main Stage in a dynamic, cross-artform performance of music, dance and storytelling - Sinfonia

The show blended personal stories, written and delivered by each company member, with collective movement and beautiful live music. Every story was told with such sincerity and openness that audiences could not help but be captivated. Some stories were heart-breaking and emotional, filled with loss or illness or wistful retrospection. Yet many were hopeful, humorous and humbling. From struggles faced and hardships overcome, to sandcastles on Scottish beaches, solo cruise ship adventures, and incredibly long-lived birds of prey, Sinfonia, at its core, was about lives lived to the fullest!

The show received two standing ovations and we at Cast are immensely proud of them all!

Audience feedback:

"This was one of the most moving things I have ever seen at the theatre. The cast were phenomenal. This kind of work for and by the community is so vital"

"Couldn’t have been improved, I loved it. So much so I went twice. It was real, thought provoking, inspiring & humorous. The cast did an amazing job. In particular the brave lady who shared her story of her struggle with alcoholism. amazing women indeed!"

"Thank you for a fantastic show, I love watching things like this. Hearing people's life stories is surely the most important thing we do as humans. I really connected with the sadness, love, pride and happiness."

This production marks our first created in partnership with the Leeds-based company The Performance Ensemble, and is the latest in a series of incredible community performances at Cast. For working with communities is at the very heart of what Cast is all about. We've partnered with the Royal Opera House, giving children and young people in Doncaster the opportunity to engage creatively with ballet, connecting closely with the inspirational repertory, choreographers and dancers of The Royal Ballet. And our continued relationship with the National Theatre has given us exceptional community productions, such as The Magic of Wild Heather, The Doncastrian Chalk Circle, and The Odyssey: Episode 2 - The Cyclops

Theatre is for everybody, no matter their background, everyone should have an equal opportunity to engage with and participate in the arts - and Cast welcomes you.