
Cast has two theatre spaces:

Main Space - 620
Second Space - End-on 138 (but this space is flexible)


Please send all programming enquiries to:

Please make sure your programming email includes the following information (without which we cannot consider it for our programme):

⦁ Company name
⦁ Show title
⦁ Which of our spaces is it for (main or second space)
⦁ Short description of the show
⦁ Tour pack
⦁ Idea of deal/fee
⦁ Touring dates


Cast are a part of Venues North and have contributed to Routes In, a document that offers insight into programmers and programming, and an overview on how we make our choices about the work on our stages. This guide has been put together to help artists and companies making new work overcome some of the barriers to getting their work programmed. View the full document below.

Download Routes In here.