Autumn of Possibilities with Public Acts: Get Involved!

The Public Acts team have been busy beavering away to create a host of exciting opportunities for Doncaster Public Acts participants to take part in over the Autumn of 2020.

Launching with Creative Catch Ups, we will be providing a range of creative ways in which you can take part and have fun through out Autumn term project: Stories That Get Us Through.

Here at Public Acts we really believe in the power of stories, and that we all have important and powerful stories to tell. Stories That Get Us Through: Doncaster Storytelling Project is a new project for this Autumn, led by Public Acts Director, James Blakey, and you can register here to take part.

Over the term, we will be working creatively together (through video calls, phone calls and activity sheets) to tell and explore those stories. Inspired by your own experiences, told from the heart and that we hope will inspire hope and courage in others.

There will be stories from these times, of care and compassion and unlikely connections, and stories from long ago, stories of faith in people, stories that remind you of your nan or the friend you made on the other side of the world.

The stories will be audio recorded and spread far and wide so that others in our communities and beyond can listen and enjoy. In the process you will develop the tools you need to craft a great story.

Worried that you’re not ‘poetic’ or ‘artistic’ enough? Don’t be. The best thing about stories is that there’s no right way to tell them. It’s all about being yourself. We can't wait to get started and really hope that you can join in fun!

To register to take part in the Creative Catch Up session and Stories That Get Us Through, click here. For more information or for support registering, contact Sarah (Head of Participation at Cast): Call: 07754 757 300 Email: