Cast Youth Theatre Zooms Into Action

Cast’s physical doors may be shut, but our virtual doors are wide open!

True to the spirit of Cast Theatre and the brilliant bond we have created between us and our Doncaster communities, we have been finding new ways to connect in these times of separation. Our wonderful Youth Theatre has been leading the charge for us, with online theatre workshops taking place for all of our 6 groups – and we have been having tonnes of fun!

It has been fantastic to see: our lovely Sparkles group (3-5 plus their parents/carers) singing songs with bananas; our Twinkle Lights (5 -7 year olds) loving jumping around as different types of beans in the bean game ; our Little Lights (8 -11 year olds) creating fantastically, amusing adverts including a remote that controlled the earth(!); our Bright Lights (11 – 26 year olds with additional needs) raising their voices to belt out some brilliant tunes; our Spotlights group (11 – 14 year olds) enjoying a lively scavenger hunt and improvisation games and our Flood Lights (14 – 18 year olds) teens letting their creative juices flow in a game of the old classic Park Bench and creating dramatic stories from everyday events!

Over 50 youth theatre members and their families registered to take part in the sessions, which were led by our fantastic team of leaders.  We all had a wonderful, creative time and really valued the chance to reconnect with each other. We have had some really lovely feedback from participants via email and social media, including: “"Thank you, that was amazing… amazing". "Thanks very much to you all for this morning! It was very cute & gave my little sparkle something exciting to look forward to. We really appreciate it." "Thank you again for arranging this session, William thoroughly enjoyed it 😊", and “Thankyou @castindoncaster for the Little Lights session this morning. Molly really enjoyed it. She’s missing you all and her theatre friends so much. It really lifted her spirits.”

There are more Youth Theatre sessions planned in May, plus activity worksheets and accompanying films, short films for Early Years children to listen to stories and take part in music activities, and a Cast Youth Theatre newsletter coming soon!