And the winner is… Doncaster! Cast and The Royal Opera House create award winning success delivering dance throughout the Borough

Cast has won the Success Through Partnerships award in the 22nd Doncaster Business Awards; this award recognises the ground-breaking partnership between The Royal Opera House and Cast. 


2019 saw the establishment of this exciting partnership between Cast and The Royal Opera House with support from Doncaster Creates and Doncaster Council. This programme of cultural learning activity includes a commitment to work in every school in Doncaster over the next three years. As part of this partnership The Royal Ballet will perform on Cast’s stage in 2022 (postponed from 2020 due to the pandemic).  


Using the arts to make Doncaster one of the best places to live, work and do business is at the heart of this partnership. The Royal Ballet is one of the best ballet companies in the world, and this is a unique opportunity to bring world class arts to Doncaster.  The partnership raises the Borough's profile, attracts visitors outside the Borough, and improves quality of life to Doncaster Borough residents through a quality artistic programme at their local theatre. 


Due to the pandemic, the partnership had to adapt and change its programme during 2020, rising to the challenge with the creation of a unique community dance film ‘Doncaster Dances’.  This project brought together more than 130 residents, 6 community groups, 2 care homes and 2 local schools to get Doncaster dancing and celebrate movement during this isolating and challenging time. 


Deborah Rees, Director at Cast in Doncaster said:   
‘Cast is delighted to win this award that acknowledges the value that this extraordinary partnership with The Royal Ballet brings to Doncaster. We look forward to continuing the partnership and resuming the fantastic programme of educational work and other opportunities as we start to come out of Covid restrictions.’ 
Amy McGann, Head of National Programmes at The Royal Opera House said: 
‘We are thrilled to have won this award in collaboration with Cast and Doncaster Council, and most importantly with the individuals and communities across Doncaster. When we established this partnership in 2019, we never dreamed it would be award-winning. To work in collaboration to directly support communities in Doncaster in this challenging year has been fantastic.   


The Royal Opera House believe that the arts can be truly transformational, and we hope this partnership is the first of many to bring our artforms to diverse communities. By scaling up our work across the country, and in particular in areas of disadvantage, we hope to widen access to cultural learning. To thrive as creative individuals, we all need to engage with the arts but too often, access is limited and the squeeze on the arts curriculum has severely limited opportunities. Through fantastic partnerships we can ensure all children and young people have the chance to discover and explore the extraordinary power of art and culture - in all its fantastic forms.’  


The awards are sponsored by Doncaster College & University Centre.