It’s the 8 February, 2014. Doncaster’s brand new theatre has been open little over 5 months. The paint is freshly dried and everything from the carpets to the seats are brand new. Cast’s Second Space prepares for its first ever chamber recital, with the people of Doncaster literally feet away from the performers. A prestigious World Premiere of Charlotte Bray’s Shadow Game awaits the half full house of ardent classical buffs and intrepid newbies. The musicians begin and so does this remarkable and vibrant relationship with Music in the Round and Ensemble 360.




Since that day Cast has welcomed nearly 8,000 local people to enjoy the truly unique and mesmerising experience of the world’s most beautiful music, up close and personal. It’s safe to say Doncaster has caught the bug and has fallen in love with Chamber music.


2020 sees Music in the Round present yet another year of incredible world class music sure to sell out.


Praised by The Guardian as “one of the most adaptable chamber groups in the country”, Ensemble 360 returns on Saturday 8 February. Featuring wonderful music by German masters Johannes Brahms and Max Bruch feature, alongside music by the dynamic American classical composer, Aaron Copland it promices to be a night to remember letting clarinet takes centre stage.


Every year Music in the Round welcome hundreds of children to enjoy their children’s concerts. Based on the brilliant children’s story by Giles Andreae and Korky Paul, with specially composed music by Paul Rissmann, Sir Scallywag and the Battle of Stinky Bottom (14 March) is an ideal way to introduce children aged 3-7 years to live classical music.


14 March sees Ensemble 360 perform a glorious programme of French chamber music which travels from haunting melancholy to irrepressible exuberance.


Celebrating Beethoven’s 250th birthday, Ensemble 360 presents (20 June) two of the greatest string quartets of all time. These two contrasting quartets – beauty and mystery in one, and strikingly radical invention in the other – perfectly illustrate why Beethoven’s music stands out from that of any of his contemporaries.


If you’ve yet to experience the intimate, unforgettable experience of Music in the Round – then what took you so long?


Tickets are available at or by calling 01302 303 959.