Our Culture, Our Heritage: Poetry Participants

Last month, Cast partnered up with BME United, Darts, Changing Lives, Chinwe Russell Art Gallery, Doncaster Stories and 2G: Second Generation to celebrate Black History Month. 

We hosted a poetry competition, looking for poetry submissions along the theme of 'Stories from my Homeland'. 

We want to wish a HUGE thanks to everyone that took part, and to Levi Payne for recording the audio versions of the poems. Below are the winners!


Ashton & Jordon - Being Us

Staring again with eyes on stalks, on the bus, in town or out on walks, 

"Is he yours?" You ask once more, I've heard this asked a million times before,

Shall I answer, be polite? or shout and scream and cause a fight.

We are so fed up of being on show, you think you have the right to know?

Our family is diverse, that's true! So let me share some things with you.


Saturday soup is always fab, quality time with mum and dad.

Coconut oil smells so divine, curly hair takes so much time.

Nanna's house is filled with noise, full of grown-ups, girls and boys.

Always eating, new food to try, its always sad to say goodbye

Our culture strong our music loud, celebrating family



Click here to listen to the audio verson of this poem.


Gbolahan - Black Child

I am the black child

I am special, ridicule cannot sway


I am strong, obstacles cannot stop


I hold my head high, proudly

Proudly proclaiming my uniqueness

I hold my pace, continuining forward

through adversities

I am proud of my culture and

my heritage

I am confident that I can

achieve my every goal

I am becoming all that I can


I am a black child, I am a child

of God


Click here to listen to the audio verson of this poem.


Saraana (Townfield School)





I dream everyone can live in harmony and happiness

No bullying, no fighting

No swear words, no sadness

No stealing

We are all unique, everyone of us

Even you

Everyone of us has a good side

waiting to be opened

It doesn't matter what you look like 

What matters is the inside of you

The light deep in there

That's who you are

Click here to listen to the audio verson of this poem.


Milaad (Townfield School)

Believe in other people's race

Love each other equally

All of us deserve a good life

Care about everyone

Knowing that everyone is the same


Hope for a change in the world

In the world everyone must be treated the same

Somebody can make a change

Trust each other to live a better life

On the earth we should know better

Respect is needed



Click here to listen to the audio verson of this poem.


Sammar (Lakeside School)

My Dream

I hope everyone will have peace

I hope everyone will have respect

I hope everyone will have justice

I hope everyone will realise that everyone is the same

I hope everyone will know how bad racism is

I hope everyone will be happy

I hope everything will be fair to everyone

I have a dream that the world will be a better place!


Click here to listen to the audio verson of this poem.