The Imagination Emporium

An illustration of The Imagination Emporium

Over the summer, Cast Youth Theatre have been working on The Imagination Emporium project. Part funded by Arts Council England, this was an opportunity for members of our Youth Theatre to co-create a world of imagination and fun. Working in their regular Youth Theatre sessions and in bespoke summer holiday activity days, each group spent time creating characters, stories, ideas, music and images that formed the treasures within The Imagination Emporium. They worked with digital artists to capture this content for it to be shared on a dedicated micro-website.


The premise of the project was that The Imagination Emporium is a magical store locked deep in the bowels of Cast theatre, where the treasures and tales of Doncaster’s past are kept and protected by The Guardians of the Treasure. This elite group are experts in very special Doncaster magic and history. Every day they must sprinkle special dust onto the objects to keep the memories of Doncaster alive and beating in the hearts and the minds of all Doncaster’s people. But one day the dust is stolen.


Through a collaborative making process, the young people involved used the stimulus of Doncaster’s history and their unlimitable imaginations to create a digital adventure experience combing theatre craft and skills with digital artforms and techniques. 


To view The Imagination Emporium microsite click here


Cast Youth Theatre's new term starts W/C 10 January. To find out more or sign up for the new term click here