Peel of Fortune

Peel of Fortune

Cast Second Space (unallocated)

Fri 24 May


What could be more fun than a burlesque show?

How about a burlesque, comedy, gameshow that relies on you, the audience, to help make the show happen!

From audience song choice to surprise props, nobody knows what's going to happen in this live-action show, but no two shows are ever the same.

Since its conception in 2017, Peel of Fortune remains one of the most original shows on the scene and featured at Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival.

As always, The Boobytrap features some of the biggest and best names on the burlesque and cabaret scene from all over the UK and abroad, with names regularly featured in 21st Century Burlesque top 50.

What will the wheel reveal? Join us to find out!



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